感謝某年DT借我他從大陸買的John Waters海盜碟,也感謝某年金馬影展的B級電影史,灌溉了我心海一角的反社會小花園。只差去百老匯補齊舞台劇版了,紐約啊你羞蛋ㄟ啊。

2007年版的《髮》片一揭序,崔腿粗(Tracy)問候日安她娘家時,熊熊冒出1988年原版導演莊多水(John Waters)的身影,他飾演巴爾的摩怪叔叔,對路人淘氣獻曝,旋風掃街5秒,角色準確吻合他的身分地位或心理狀態。(我在沒查背景資料下觀影時乍見此梗,驚喜萬分,享受到片刻的自豪與寂寥。)
*新版的粉紅伯(Mr. Pinky)由80歲屎傑瑞(Jerry Stiller)擔綱,他在19年前舊版中飾演崔腿粗的窩囊慈父(這點我也是一眼識破,隱隱地跩)。

*當年20歲的元祖「崔腿粗」蕊姬(Ricki Lake)徹底減肥成功,改造了模樣,在新版中詮釋眾星探之一。(她出現在最後一場《B不停You Can't Stop The Beat》觀眾席中,我看第4遍才注意她是哪個經紀人,導演很給面子,給她多達5個鏡頭。)
*1988年舊版的星光先生是蕭湯孫(Shawn Thompson),他在2007年新版飾演棚外現場直播的男記者。
*還有一個不太重要的人,當舊版導演莊多水在片中「獻寶」時,有位現場目擊的抽菸師奶,她叫豪華圍巾(Mink Stole),是1988年版《髮膠》星光幫中的泰咪(Tammy)。
導演兼執行製作亞當山歌俠(Adam Shankman)本身就是編舞老師,片中所有俏麗曼妙的步數亦由他設計編舞;他難抑想紅的欲望,也客串飾演了另外一名藝人經紀。(熟悉《自命舞棍So You Think You Can Dance》的朋友,便知他是個多麼硬頸軟骨、高調愛現的中年女子熟男。)他幫33部電影/影集編過舞,其中包括動畫《真假公主》(Anastasia),過去執導筒的作品頗弱,計有《二十四笑》(Cheaper by the Dozen 2)、《限制級保姆》(The Pacifier)、《愛上新郎》(The Wedding Planner)等13片。
經紀人不嫌多就是了,百老匯原版的配樂家馬克(Marc Shaiman)與填詞者史考特(Scott Wittman)不但繼續再電影版中合作,也露臉軋個經紀人丙與經紀人丁角色。

*約翰去扶塔(John Travolta)的肥婆婆娑姿,參考了1940年迪士尼《幻想曲》(Fantasia)中的河馬芭蕾。
*影片伊始從雲端俯瞰巴爾的摩小鎮,師法了1961年《西城故事》(West Side Story)與1965年《真善美》(The Sound of Music)的開場運鏡。
*崔腿粗坐在垃圾車頂演唱《日安我娘家》(Good Morning Baltimore)的點子,與《歡迎來現代》(Welcome to the '60s)時的變髮款式,直接承襲芭芭拉(Barbra Streisand)1968年的歌舞片《妙女郎》(Funny Girl)。

*片中男版林賽羅漢對著崔腿粗的大頭照唱情歌《愛無赦》(Without Love),靈異寫真竟也回嘴大合唱,此計援用老片《1938百老匯旋律》(Broadway Melody of 1938),原來茱蒂夾懶(Judy Garland)70年前就對克拉克該剝(Clark Gable)的照片幹過這種勾當。(那年就連爺爺的精子都尚未成熟,好像不太容易見識到這片呢。)

《髮膠明星夢》九成的演員卡司具歌舞經驗/背景/皮毛關連。18歲女主角「崔腿粗」妮姬波浪是奇(Nikki Blonsky)則從1100位試鏡者中雀屏中選,之前毫無演戲經驗。
*「肥媽」約翰去扶塔(John Travolta)演過的歌舞片包括1977《週末夜狂熱》(Saturday Night Fever)、1978《火爆浪子》(Grease)、1983《龍飛鳳舞》(Staying Alive)。
*「恁爸」克里斯多福走路(Christopher Walken)早年在劇場受過紮實歌舞訓練,他在流線胖小子(Fatboy Slim)的《動武之必要》(Weapon of Choice)MV中把舞動之必要發揮得淋漓盡致,橫掃2001年MTV音樂大獎6獎,並獲選VH1音樂台「永恆百大MV」之一。
*「婊娘」米血飛佛(Michelle Pfeiffer)雖然歌藝普普,但還是在1982《火爆浪子2》(Grease 2)中載歌載舞,她在1989《一曲相思情未了》(The Fabulous Baker Boys)中躺在平台鋼琴上唱爵士,成為銀幕經典畫面之一,並因此片入圍奧斯卡最佳女主角。
*「女士首選」查克愛芙蓉(Zac Efron)靠連續兩集迪士尼頻道自製電視電影《歌舞青春》(High School Musical)爆紅上青天,第2集《歌》片刷新全美電視史收視率紀錄,他是美國6-16歲兒童心目中唯一色藝兼備的男明星。
*「黑鬼美寶」皇后啦啼法(Queen Latifah)本身就是出唱片的歌手,2002年在《芝加哥》(Chicago)中扮陰險風騷的女囚長並演繹妙歌《聽媽媽的話》(When You're Good to Mama),入圍奧斯卡最佳女配角。《髮》片製作人在前製時期即鎖定皇后演「美寶」一角,不作第二人想。
*「星光先生」詹姆士火星登(James Marsden)在成名作《X戰警》(X-Men)中飾演「獨眼龍」,沒什麼機會展現歌藝,但繼《髮》片後,他還會在迪士尼新片《曼哈頓奇緣》(Enchanted)中當個無限歡唱的自嗨王子。
*「足球尤物」阿門大敗恩(Amanda Bynes)第1次演歌舞片,但她之前的《水瓶座女孩》(What a Girl Wants)英文片名,是來自於克莉絲汀(Christina Aguilera)的同名歌曲。
*「婊妹安珀」不談你雪(Brittany Snow)在電視影集《美國夢》(American Dreams)初試啼聲,並收錄在電視原聲帶中。
*「髮膠公主」太樂停車(Taylor Parks)在電視影集《奇異果女孩》(Gilmore Girls)第1季第1集中,飾演合唱小童之一。

本片是美國近30年來第3賣座的音樂劇改編電影(via here),前5名分別是:
2.《芝加哥》 Chicago
4.《洛基恐怖秀》The Rocky Horror Picture Show

拜科技之賜,本片不需要大費周章勘景,就能拍出60年代的復古風情,這些效果全賴特效公司Intelligent Creatures的協助。該公司曾在《史密斯任務》(Mr. & Mrs. Smith)、《火線交錯》(Babel)等片展現低調奢華的後製功力,在《髮》片中則處理55個場景,包括增加假髮的髮量、製造流星/煙火/示威群眾/髮膠噴霧、消除屋頂上的小耳朵天線,鉅細靡遺,無所不能;拍攝黑人鄉民在公車上演唱《讓他們都知道》(Run and Tell That)時,司機根本沒開車,車窗外移動的街景全是CGI的功勞,神奇到靠夭!
Dixon was primarily hired to tone down much of the campiness inherent in the stage musical.The 2007 film's script is based primarily on the stage musical rather than the 1988 film, so several changes already made to the plot for the stage version remain in this version. These include dropping several characters from the 1988 version (such as Arthur Hodgepile, Franklin von Tussle, Tammy Turner, the beatniks, etc.), removing the Tilted Acres amusement park from the story, and placing Velma in charge of the station where The Corny Collins Show is filmed.
One notable difference between the stage musical, the original movie, and the 2007 film version of Hairspray is that Tracy does not go to jail in the 2007 version. In both previous incarnations of Hairspray, Tracy is arrested and taken to jail along with the other protesters. Edna is presented in this version as an insecure introvert, in contrast to the relatively bolder incarnations present in the 1988 film and the stage musical. Among many other elements changed or added to this version are the removal of Motormouth Maybelle's habit of constantly speaking in rhyming jive talk, and doubling the number of teens in Corny Collins' council (from ten on Broadway to twenty in the 2007 film).
Dixon restructured portions of Hairspray's book to allow several of the songs to blend more naturally into the plot, in particular "(You're) Timeless to Me" and "I Know Where I've Been". "Timeless" becomes the anchor of a newly invented subplot involving Velma's attempt to break up Tracy's parents' marriage and keep the girl off Corny Collins as a result. The song now serves as Wilbur's apology to Edna, in addition to its original purpose in the stage musical as a tongue-in-cheek declaration of Wilbur and Edna's love for each other. Meanwhile, "I Know Where I've Been", instead of being sung by Maybelle alone after being let out of jail, now underscores Maybelle's march on WYZT (which takes place in the stage musical only briefly during "Big, Blonde, and Beautiful").
Music producer/composer/co-lyricist Marc Shaiman and co-lyricist Scott Wittman were required to alter their Broadway Hairspray song score in various ways in order to work on film, from changing portions of the lyrics in some songs (e.g. "(The Legend of) Miss Baltimore Crabs", "Big, Blonde and Beautiful", and "You Can't Stop the Beat") to more or less completely removing other songs from the film altogether.
"Mama, I'm a Big Girl Now", a popular number from the stage musical, features Tracy, Penny, and Amber arguing with their respective mothers. Neither Adam Shankman nor Leslie Dixon could come up with a solution for filming "Mama" that didn't require a three-way split screen - something they wanted to avoid- and both felt the number did not adequately advance the plot. As a result, "Mama" was reluctantly dropped from the film during pre-production, although it is used by Shaiman as an instrumental when the Corny Collins kids dance the "Strickin' Chicken". A special version of "Mama" was recorded for the film's end credits in May 2007, during the final score recording process, which featured vocals from each of the three women most famous for portraying Tracy Turnblad: Ricki Lake from the 1988 film, Marissa Jaret Winokur from the original Broadway cast, and Nikki Blonsky from the 2007 film.Harvey Fierstein, who portrayed Edna as part of the original Broadway cast, has a brief cameo moment in the end credits version of "Mama" as well.
"It Takes Two", a solo for Link, was moved from its place in the stage musical (on Tracy's first day on Corny's Council) to an earlier Corny Collins scene, although only the coda of the song is used in the final release print. "Cooties", a solo for Amber in the stage musical, is present in this film as an instrumental during the Miss Teenage Hairspray dance-off. As with "Mama, I'm a Big Girl Now", a version of "Cooties", performed in a contemporary pop rendition by Aimee Allen, is present during the end credits.
The performance of a vintage dance called The Madison, present in both the 1988 film and the stage musical, was replaced for this version by a newly composed song, "Ladies' Choice". Portions of the Madison dance steps were integrated into the choreography for the musical number "You Can't Stop the Beat", and the song the dance is performed to on Broadway can be heard faintly during Motormouth Maybelle's platter party in the film, retitled "Boink Boink". "The Big Dollhouse" was the only song from the musical not used in the film in any way.
Shaiman and Wittman composed two new songs for the 2007 film: "Ladies' Choice", a solo for Link, and "Come So Far (Got So Far to Go)", a song performed during the end credits by Queen Latifah, Nikki Blonsky, Zac Efron, and Elijah Kelley. Another "new" song in the 2007 film, "The New Girl in Town", had originally been composed for the Broadway musical, but was deemed unnecessary and discarded from the musical. Director Adam Shankman decided to use the song to both underscore a rise-to-fame montage for Tracy and to showcase Maybelle's "Negro Day", which is never actually seen in either of the earlier incarnations of Hairspray.
One additional Shaiman/Wittman song, a ballad entitled "I Can Wait", was composed for the film as a solo for Tracy, meant to replace the stage musical's reprise of "Good Morning Baltimore". "I Can Wait" was shot for the film (Tracy performs the number while locked in Prudy's basement), but was eventually deleted from the final release print. The audio recording of "I Can Wait" was made available as a special bonus track for customers who pre-ordered the Hairspray soundtrack on iTunes, and the scene itself will be included as a special feature on the film's DVD release.
Benji & Donyelle - Broadway
Hairspray by SYTYCD
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